FUNDRAISER – Jingle & Mingle – December 9
Join us on December 9 for dinner, drinks, live jazz and FUN! Proceeds from this benefit event will support music education at Litchfield Jazz Camp. “Jingle and Mingle” is a holiday dinner party with live music featuring Litchfield native and international jazz performer, vocalist/ pianist Nicole Zuraitis. Nicole is the
Litchfield Jazz Camp and Festival extend their sympathies and concern for all those families and individuals whose lives were disrupted or destroyed by the cataclysms our nation has faced in the last few months- The devastating hurricanes that racked Puerto Rico, Texas, Florida and other states, the act of horror
SAVE THE DATE – December 9
Join us on December 9 for dinner, drinks, live jazz and FUN! Proceeds from this benefit event will support music education at Litchfield Jazz Camp. Stay tuned for more info.
Discovering Genius – Pianist Julian Shore
“His name belongs among the leaders of the young Jazz piano scene.” JazzTimes Julian Shore has been called “a pianist/composer who beyond the obvious elegance of his playing, has a clear sense of the bigger artistic picture” (Ottowa Citizen). Julian Shore grew up listening to his father play Bach on his
Happy Birthday Les Paul
He changed music with his inventions and performances. Although widely associated with developing the solid body electric guitar that bears his name, Les Paul’s numerous recording inventions and innovations also changed modern music. Les Paul popularized the use of echo, reverb, phase shifting, close miking, delay and slap back with
Scholarships Available – New Funding for Hartford Students
Litchfield Jazz Camp, turning out tomorrow’s jazz stars for the past 20 years, proudly announces a program for younger students –LITCHFIELD JAZZ CAMP KIDS. Thanks to support from Connecticut Community Foundation and from the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving Beatrice Fox Auerbach Fund we are accepting campers as day or
Give Local is TOMORROW
Tomorrow, Tuesday April 25, and Wednesday April 26 is the Litchfield Hills Give Local Event. The campaign officially begins tomorrow at 7:00 AM, but early giving has already started, so you may make your gift now if you prefer! Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated and will help us achieve
Here’s to a successful Valentine’s event last Saturday at the Litchfield Distillery.
Thank you to everyone who came out to support the Litchfield Jazz Camp! Here are some pictures of the fun.
Kudos to our DownBeat Winners
A number of jazz campers were winners in this year’s DownBeat Student Music Awards. We are very proud of all of them. In the Junior High School Jazz Soloist category, there were two winners, both of them former Litchfield Jazz Campers! Estaban Castro from New York won for piano, and