By Litchfield Performing Arts, a not-for-profit educational charity.

We’re all in this together

Dear Litchfield Jazz Friends and Family,
We wanted to take a moment to reach out to you to give you a little peace of mind and hopefully a ray of sunshine in these uncertain times.
At this moment, we are not anticipating any disruption to Litchfield Jazz Camp or Festival activities due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Understanding this is a rapidly emerging situation— and things can always change – we are hopeful that this summer will herald a return to normalcy, celebrate gathering and togetherness, learning, creativity, and of course, the beauty of music. Live music – which is suffering right now.
All of our lives have been impacted by COVID-19, some significantly. We understand and are in this together.
In response to the current uncertainty regarding quarantines, school closures, timelines and more – we have decided to extend our registration and payment deadline from May 1 until June 1.


What does this mean?

You can register now, if you have not already, with the peace of mind that no payment beyond the deposit is due until June 1. This will secure your student’s place.
There is no penalty if you need to cancel before June 1. Any tuition paid will be credited to a future year and can be transferred between family members.

Also, did you know?

There is no penalty to switch weeks (provided there is space) if you need to.


Why register now?

Spaces for specific instruments are beginning to fill. Registering now reserves you space,  and offers the security of having a summer plan in place. Knowing you have until June 1 to switch your week, transfer your tuition or receive a refund offers you peace of mind that you are covered in the unlikely event school closures or extended social distancing impact the summer schedule.
It is our goal to first and foremost do our part to keep our campers, Festival goers, faculty, staff, and their loved ones safe and healthy. As this is a rapidly emerging situation, we are closely monitoring developments, CDC recommendations, and State/Federal mandates. We will continue to provide updates should it become necessary to make any additional changes.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Also, if you have been financially impacted by COVID-19, financial assistance may be available. Scholarship application deadline is April 15. You can learn more HERE.
You are all in our thoughts. Please be careful, stay safe and keep others safe by isolating yourself as much as you can until this difficult time passes. If you start to go stir crazy, I recommend doing what the Italians do—open your windows and sing. No neighbors to hear? Sing anyway.
All our best to you and your families from your Litchfield Jazz Family.

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