By Litchfield Performing Arts, a not-for-profit educational charity.

UPDATE – Jazz & Friends is Cancelled

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, and in accordance with the most recent CDC guidelines regarding social distancing, we have decided to cancel our upcoming Jazz & Friends fundraiser.

As many of you know, our spring fundraiser event at Litchfield Jazz each year helps us meet the need-based scholarship requests scholarship requests for Litchfield Jazz Camp. As important as this is, the health and wellbeing of the community must come first.

These are strange and difficult times. Americans for the Arts cites that financial losses to date in America’s nonprofit arts sector due to the coronavirus are estimated to be $3.6 billion – this does not include the economic impact on individual artists and musicians.

Despite all this, we are hopeful for the future — that the collective action and sacrifices we are all making now will help slow the spread and get us all through this as quickly as we safely can.

Litchfield Jazz has been providing a space for musicians to perform, teach and learn for a quarter century – it has become an invaluable institution for going on two generations of jazz musicians.

If you are able, please consider making a gift of any size to Litchfield Jazz.  Now is more important than ever and every bit makes a difference towards the future!

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